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Monday Meditation
May 27, 2013 @ 12:00 am
Every Monday we come together to listen, contemplate, and meditate on the Buddhist teachings. Currently we are listening to the teachings of Garchen Rinpoche on Deity practice. Meditation practice can vary from week to week. Frequently we practice White Tara, Achi, Amitabha, or Vajrasattva deity meditation, using visualization and mantra as a means of concentration.
Following the practice, we will also listen to Garchen Rinpoche’s teaching on “Essential Pith Instructions on the Accomplishment Practice of Yamataka”. This teaching was held in Tucson in December of 2010.
Garchen Rinpoche had this to say about this practice:
“When you are meditating on loving-kindness and compassion for all, then you have no ego-clinging. Without ego-clinging nothing can harm you. So through Yamataka we meditate on compassion for all sentient beings and nothing – curses, sorcery, whatever – can harm us.
If you understand this then you understand all there is to know about Yamataka Practice.”
Additionally, practitioners who attended this teaching have said this instruction from Garchen Rinpoche is helpful instruction for all Deity Practices.
Beginners are welcome at this practice.
Every Monday Evening
4648 East Speedway Blvd
Tucson, Arizona 85711
(Click here for a map)
For More Information:
Pati Stein: 465-1882