Mandala Offering Practice
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAs Vajrayana Buddhists we diligently practice the 2-fold accumulation of merit and wisdom. To accumulate wisdom we engage in meditation to deepen our understanding of emptiness and the innate purity of all phenomena. To accumulate merit we engage the other…
Mandala Offering Practice
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAs Vajrayana Buddhists we diligently practice the 2-fold accumulation of merit and wisdom. To accumulate wisdom we engage in meditation to deepen our understanding of emptiness and the innate purity of all phenomena. To accumulate merit we engage the other…
Weekly Meditation Practice
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesTara Embodies the female wisdom activity of the mind. She is often called the mother of all the Buddhas. White Tara offers peace, prosperity, health and long life through her enlightened activities. In reciting her mantra and making a connection…
Sunday Mornings at the Center
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAfter the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.
Sand Mandala Final Dissolution
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesJoin Drupon Thinley Ningpo as he ventures to Madera Canyon to offer the final vase of sand from sand mandala dissolution on April 6th. We will first meet at the Drikung Namgyal Ling dharma center, then together travel to the…
Mahamudra Meditation
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesPractice Mahamudra meditation with Drupon Thinley Ningpo, who will also offer insight and instructions. We are extremely fortunate to be able to receive these from a retreat master who has received and realized the traditional training. After the meditation we will…
Sunday Mornings at the Center
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAfter the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.
Sunday Mornings at the Center
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAfter the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.
Sunday Mornings at the Center
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAfter the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.
Sunday Mornings at the Center
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAfter the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.