Ngondro – Preliminary Practices

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

Lord Jigten Sumgon, Rigdzin Chodrak (1st Chungtsang Rinpoche), and Konchok Ratna (1st Chetsang Rinpoche) In samsara, there are three types of suffering – suffering in the making, the suffering of change, and the suffering of suffering. Ones should meditate with

Loving Kindness and Natural Meditation

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

This event is free and is open to all.  There will also be a sack lunch fellowship afterwards.

Weekly Meditation Practice

Laura Greenlaw Residence 4051 E. Paseo Grande, Tucson, AZ, United States

Tara Embodies the female wisdom activity of the mind. She is often called the mother of all the Buddhas. White Tara offers peace, prosperity, health and long life through her enlightened activities. In reciting her mantra and making a connection

Sunday Mornings at the Center

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

After the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.

Loving Kindness and Natural Meditation

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

This event is free and is open to all.  There will also be a sack lunch fellowship afterwards.

Weekly Meditation Practice

Laura Greenlaw Residence 4051 E. Paseo Grande, Tucson, AZ, United States

Tara Embodies the female wisdom activity of the mind. She is often called the mother of all the Buddhas. White Tara offers peace, prosperity, health and long life through her enlightened activities. In reciting her mantra and making a connection

Sunday Mornings at the Center

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

After the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.

Loving Kindness and Natural Meditation

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

This event is free and is open to all.  There will also be a sack lunch fellowship afterwards.

Weekly Meditation Practice

Laura Greenlaw Residence 4051 E. Paseo Grande, Tucson, AZ, United States

Tara Embodies the female wisdom activity of the mind. She is often called the mother of all the Buddhas. White Tara offers peace, prosperity, health and long life through her enlightened activities. In reciting her mantra and making a connection

Sunday Mornings at the Center

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United States

After the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.

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