Saturday Morning Community Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Community Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Community Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Residential Vajrayogini Retreat
Vajrayogini is a female Buddha who embodies oneís innermost essence and is associated with the mother tantras of anutaratantra yoga. According to Tsongkapa, her practice includes methods for preventing ordinary death, awareness in the intermediate state or bardo and rebirth…
Ngondro and Vajrayogini Teachings
"Commentary on The Daily Practice of the Arising Stage and Mantra Recitation of the Exalted Vajrayogini who has the Face of the Two Truths" Vajrayogini is a female Buddha who embodies oneís innermost essence and is associated with the mother…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…