Saturday Morning Community Meditation
Special Addition: Khenchen Gyalshen Rinpoche's Spring 2012 webcast teachings from The Jewel Ornament of Liberation in Fredericke, Maryland will be included during the regular Saturday Morning Community Meditation schedule for the next few months. 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction…
Saturday Morning Community Meditation
Special Addition: Khenchen Gyalshen Rinpoche's Spring 2012 webcast teachings from The Jewel Ornament of Liberation in Fredericke, Maryland will be included during the regular Saturday Morning Community Meditation schedule for the next few months. 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction…
Saturday Morning Community Meditation
Special Addition: Khenchen Gyalshen Rinpoche's Spring 2012 webcast teachings from The Jewel Ornament of Liberation in Fredericke, Maryland will be included during the regular Saturday Morning Community Meditation schedule for the next few months. 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction…
Saturday Morning Community Meditation
Special Addition: Khenchen Gyalshen Rinpoche's Spring 2012 webcast teachings from The Jewel Ornament of Liberation in Fredericke, Maryland will be included during the regular Saturday Morning Community Meditation schedule for the next few months. 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction…
Saturday Morning Community Meditation
Special Addition: Khenchen Gyalshen Rinpoche's Spring 2012 webcast teachings from The Jewel Ornament of Liberation in Fredericke, Maryland will be included during the regular Saturday Morning Community Meditation schedule for the next few months. 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction…
Gongchik: Cultivating Awakened Mind-Heart (Bodhicitta) -†Jigten Sumgon’s Commentary On†The Teachings of the Buddha
Khenpo Nyima Gyaltshen, Rinpoche, from Jang Chubling Monastery, will give teachings on The Gongchik, the Sacred Teachings of Lord Jigten Sumgon, founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. Dates/Times: Open Book Study Session: Friday, August 31, 9am - 12pm; 2pm -…
"How to Deepen the Inner Mind"
Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche will lead two days of teachings and precious instructions on meditation practice, appropriate for all levels experience, from beginners to long-time meditators. If meditation is an new experience for you, this is a great place to…
Guru Yoga from the Ngondro, The Preliminary Practices
Drupon Rinchen Dorje Rinpoche will lead two days of teachings and precious instructions on guru yoga practice from the precious Ngondro Preliminary Practices. Guru Yoga the practice of merging oneís mind with the wisdom mind of the master. The practice…
The Way of the Bodhissatva
Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra was written 1,200 years ago by the Great Bodhisattva Shantideva, a renunciant prince from north India, translated into the English title as: "The Ways of the Bodhisattvas."and is highly revered as it shows concisely and comprehensively how to generate…
Monday Meditation Practice – Amitahba
Each Monday we come together to listen, contemplate, and meditate on the Buddhist teachings.Buddha Amitabha is an historical buddha from another era. He made special aspiration that he would accomplish bodhicitta and benefit all sentient beings. In particular he focused…