Manjushri Yamantaka Empowerment

ìWhat is the main reason we practice Yamantaka? It is contained in the phrase, ëLet the destructiveness of sorcerers, their gods and protectors descend upon themselves,í which we find in the retreat text. What this means is that when you

Saturday Morning Community Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Community Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Community Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Community Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Community Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Community Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

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