Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Mandala Teachings with Drupon Rinchen Dorje
Mandala Practice is one of the fourPreliminary Tibetan Buddhist Ngondro Practices, along with Refuge, Vajrasattva, and Guru Yoga. Mandala practice is a means of developing generosity by cutting through attachment and desire. During Mandala Practice, we visualize offering the entire…
Message from Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche
I hope and pray that you are well. I think of you in my meditations. We are very fortunate having this precious human life and taking refuge in the Buddha,Dharma and Sangha and following the path. You have been writing…
Introduction to Buddhist Meditation
For those entering the path of meditation practice, Drupon will offer teachings on the Preciousness of Buddhadharma, which provide exceptional guidance for how to compassionately to live one's life with increasing wisdom for the benefit of ourselves and others. Short…
Utter Illumination of the Innermost EssenceDrupon Thinley Rinpoche will be conferring the empowerment of Chakrasamvaraís Five-Deities called Utter Illumination of the Innermost Essence (Ghantapa stream). The empowerment will be followed with teaching and meditation guidance on the text. Chakrasamvara is…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…
Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation
The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to…