Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Drikung Namgyal Ling 5th Annual Yard Sale

4201 East Oxford DriveTucson, Arizona 85711 (1 block NW of Broadway and Columbus) (Click here for a map) Your donation of saleable used items is greatly appreciated! All proceeds go to the Center Building Fund. You can also help by

Saturday Morning Sangha Meditation

The Budddharma is notable in that it is not merely a religious tradition, rather it is a system that brings peace and happiness in both this and future lives.- Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche 10-10:30am -- Introduction to Meditation Introduction to

Teachings with Khenpo Yeshi Rinpoche

Khenpo Yeshi returns to Tucson to each us how to transform our busy minds into the state of tranquility and peace. His unique approach weaves together a traditional teaching format with group recitation of sacred texts, short meditations, and interactive

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