Latest Past Events

Mahamudra Meditation Teaching

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita

Venerable Drupon Thinley Ningpo returns November 2nd and 3rd, 2019, to teach Mahamudra Meditation, revealing and clarifying pith instructions from the famous treatisetreatise, Words of Vajradhara Dharmakirti: A Record of Instructions on Five-Fold Mahamudra by the 17th century meditation master,

Sunday Mornings at the Center

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita

Chenrezig practice known as A Concise Daily Practice of the Exalted Lord Avalokiteshvara. After the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.

Sunday Mornings at the Center

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita

Chenrezig practice known as A Concise Daily Practice of the Exalted Lord Avalokiteshvara. After the practice please feel free to spend time at the center, learn more about it, and perhaps join us in merit-earning karma yoga to benefit all beings.

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