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Achi Practice

January 27, 2010 @ 12:00 am

Achi Chokyi Droma was the grandmother of Lord Jigten Sumgon, who founded the Drikung Kagyu Lineage. Achi is considered chief protectress of the Drikung Kagyu.

In Achi meditation practice, we use visualization and mantra as a means of concentration. The practice lasts approximately an hour and a half, and consists of opening prayers for dedicating the motivation to benefit all others, the body of the practice using visualization (contemplation of the mental visual image) and mantra (chanted prayers). The practice concludes with dedication prayers where, again, we think of our wish to benefit all other beings.

The prayers, visualization, and dedication are read from a sadhana (traditional practice text).

This particular practice was written by Jigten Sumgon, our lineageĆ­s founder, and translated in to English by Khenchen Gyaltsen Rinpoche.

Beginners are welcome at this practice.

2nd & 4th Wednesdays, Every Month

Ada Pierce McCormick Building
University of Arizona Campus
1401 East First Street

Tucson, Arizona 85719

(Click here for a map)

For More Information:
Ann Danowitz: 631-8727


January 27, 2010
12:00 am
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