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Manjushri Yamantaka Oral-Transmission and Study/Orientation Group
November 24, 2010 @ 12:00 am
In preparation for Garchen Rinpcohe’s Manjushri Yamantaka Empowerment and Teachings at DNL on December 10th & 11th, there will be an oral-transmission of the Manjushri Yamantaka Accomplishment retreat text (Rigzin Chodrag/Nuden Dorje) by local sangha members – as requested by Garchen Rinpoche. He will not be able to give the oral-transmission of the text during the teachings – due to time constraints.
There will be 3 sessions offered and each session will be a complete reading of the long form of the text. If you’re interested in receiving this it is necessary to participate in only one complete oral-transmission session. It is okay to participate in this as often as you like. Each oral transmission session requires approximately 2 & 1/2 hours to complete. It’s recommended to allow a little extra wiggle-room time – in case the sessions run over time.
Garchen Rinpoche has recommended that you receive the oral-transmission – if you are participating in the studying and practice of this text. It is not required or a pre-requisite to participate in these preparatory sessions to attend the Yamanataka Empowerment or Teachings on Dec 10/11 with Garchen Rinpoche. The oral transmission is only required if you are participating in the study/orientation group below.
Schedule for Oral-Transmission Sessions:
11/16 Tue. 6:30 – 9:00pm (Guru Rinpoche Day)
11/20 Sat. 12:30 – 3:00pm
11/24 Wed. 7:00 – 9:30pm
Study/Orientation Sessions (*Oral-transmission is required to participate)
11/27 Sat. 12:30 – 2:00pm
12/01 Wed. 7:00 – 8:30pm (Dakini Day)
12/04 Sat. 12:30 – 2:00pm
All sessions will be at Rachel & Matthew’ home at 3935 N. Country Club #36A Please call them at 884-0554 for further info. It is not necessary to register for this – just arrive early or on time, if you want the complete transmission. There is no charge for this. You may bring a simple snack, flower(s) or incense offering to share – if you like. Dress comfortably for the 2 1/2 hour reading.
Matthew and Rachel’s House
3935 North Country Club Road, #36A
Tucson, Arizona 85716
(Click here for a map)
Directions (Central Tucson)
ï N on Country Club Rd past Grant, Ft.Lowell and Prince Rds
ï Left at Racquet Club Ranch #3935, before Tucson Racquet & Fitness
ï Pass 1st drive on right. Event entry at next driveway, #36A, adobe house with prayer flags
ï Park to left in large dirt lot with palm trees