Latest Past Events

Nyungne Retreat with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita

Thousand-armed Chenrezig Schedule (October 26, 6pm to October 29, 7:30 am): Friday October 26 6-9pm - Empowerment and instructions on the practice Saturday/Sunday - three sessions per day Monday - early morning session to end at 7:30am (we can then share a


Nyungne Retreat with Drupon Rinchen Dorjee

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita

Thousand-armed Chenrezig Schedule (October 26, 6pm to October 29, 7:30 am): Friday October 26 6-9pm - Empowerment and instructions on the practice Saturday/Sunday - three sessions per day Monday - early morning session to end at 7:30am (we can then share a


Vajrayogini [Tummo] Practice Retreat

Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita

Vajrayogini Practice Empowerment and Retreat with Venerable Drupon Thinley Ningpo and special guest, Amchi Konchok Karma Friday, April 27th - Sunday, April 29th, 2018 Tummo is the foundation of the 6 Yogas of Naropa. It focuses on controlling the bodies' energies

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