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Preliminaries to Buddhist Tantric Practice

Stein Ranch 1871 N. King St, Tucson

Teachings by Drupon Thinley Ningpo   Buddhist Tantra is also known as Vajrayana, Tantrayana, the Third Turning of the Wheel, and the Two Truths Doctrine. Experiencing ultimate truth is said to be the purpose of all the various tantric practices

Heart Sutra Teaching

Stein Ranch 1871 N. King St, Tucson

The Heart Sutra encompasses all Buddhist teachings, be it Mahayana, Madhyamaka, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, or Zen. The Heart Sutra is perhaps the best loved of all Mahayana scriptures and is recited daily by Buddhists throughout Asia and around the world. The

Heart Sutra Teaching

Stein Ranch 1871 N. King St, Tucson

The Heart Sutra encompasses all Buddhist teachings, be it Mahayana, Madhyamaka, Dzogchen, Mahamudra, or Zen. The Heart Sutra is perhaps the best loved of all Mahayana scriptures and is recited daily by Buddhists throughout Asia and around the world. The

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