Open Retreat
4-Day Mani Drupchen Practice with Drupon Thinley Ningpo
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesAnnual Mani Drupchen, November 11 through 13 Chenrezig is renowned as the embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Whenever we are compassionate, or feel love for anyone, or for an animal or some part…
3-Day Chenrezig Drupchen
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesDrupon Thinley Ningpo will return December 8th-10th for our semi-annual Drupchen. This is a 24 hour practice over three days. The Drupchen will begin on Friday at 6pm, followed by 4-hour practice sessions ending on Sunday at 5pm. Chenrezig is…
Annual 1000-Armed Chenrezig Drupchen with Drupon Thinley Ningpo – 2018
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesPlease Note: This weekend event is open. You may attend all or part of the Drupchen. The empowerment begins at 6pm on Friday, November 16th, and while attendance is recommended, it is not required in order to participate in the Drupchen…
Milarepa Practice Retreat with Drupon Thinley Ningpo
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesDrupon Thinley Ningpo will lead a Milarepa practice retreat using a new sadhana translation by Khenpo K. Tamphel. This will not be an overnight retreat, but advance registration is required to reserve your place, and if you choose to, reserve…
Milarepa Practice Retreat with Drupon Thinley Ningpo
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesDrupon Thinley Ningpo will lead a Milarepa practice retreat using a new sadhana translation by Khenpo K. Tamphel. This will not be an overnight retreat, but advance registration is required to reserve your place, and if you choose to, reserve…
Annual 1000-Armed Chenrezig Drupchen with Drupon Thinley Ningpo – 2019
Drikung Namgyal Ling Center 1135 West Twin Buttes Road, Sahuarita, AZ, United StatesPlease Note: This weekend event is open. You may attend all or part of the Drupchen. The empowerment begins at 6pm on Friday, November 8th, and while attendance is recommended, it is not required in order to participate in the…