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3-Day Chenrezig Drupchen Practice
Brennan Washburn Residence 4201 E. Oxdord Dr, TucsonChenrezig Empowerment and 3-Day Drupchen Practice Drupon Thinley Ningpo will return April 24 through 26 for our first Drupchen! This will be a 24 hour practice over these three days. Chenrezig is renowned as the embodiment of the compassion…
Monday Meditation Practice – Varied
Every Monday we come together to listen, contemplate, and meditate on the Buddhist teachings. Currently we are listening to the teachings of Garchen Rinpoche on Deity practice. Meditation practice can vary from week to week. Frequently we practice White Tara,…
Monday Meditation Practice – Amitahba
Each Monday we come together to listen, contemplate, and meditate on the Buddhist teachings.Buddha Amitabha is an historical buddha from another era. He made special aspiration that he would accomplish bodhicitta and benefit all sentient beings. In particular he focused…