Latest Past Events

Amitabha Empowerment

This Amitabha Empowerment will be followed by two days (Saturday and Sunday) of Bardo teachings, also given by Drupon Thinley Ningpo Rinpoche. 1871 N. King StreetTucson, Arizona 85749 (Click here for a map)

Medicine Buddha Closed Retreat

Medicine Buddha (Sangye Menla in Tibetan) is a practice commonly performed by Tibetan doctors, intended to heal those suffering ignorance and the resulting afflictive emotions, and awakening their (and our) Buddha nature. This five-day closed retreat is our third annual

Lama Chopa Tsok Feast

Among the most profound of Tibetan Buddhist ritual ceremonies is the Lama Chopa Tsok Feast Offering. It is a ceremony of prayer, chanting, music, meditation and a ritual feast. It contains all of the points of the Lamrim meditation on

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