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White Tara Practice

Tara Embodies the female wisdom activity of the mind. She is often called the mother of all the Buddhas His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche has taught extensively on the benefits of White Tara practice. White Tara offers peace, prosperity, health and

Sanga Meditation: Practice, Study, and Discussion

Sangha Meditation is an on-going meditation group that primarily focuses on ìThe Gradual Pathî meditation practices recommended by our centerís director, Khenpo Sherab Ozer Rinpoche, as well as other Drikung Kagyu lineage masters. This group is intended for introductory, as

Achi Practice

Achi Chokyi Droma was the grandmother of Lord Jigten Sumgon, who founded the Drikung Kagyu Lineage. Achi is considered chief protectress of the Drikung Kagyu.In Achi meditation practice, we use visualization and mantra as a means of concentration. The practice

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