Latest Past Events
Phowa Teaching
Virtual EventPhowa Practice Teachings – known as “Inserting the Stalk of Wild Grass” – is the transmission of consciousness at the time of death. Phowa is considered the most direct and quickest path to achieving enlightenment. It is said that even…
Medicine Buddha Teaching
Virtual EventMedicine Buddha is a profound purification practice intended to heal those suffering from ignorance, its afflictive emotions and corresponding physical illness, and to awaken Buddha nature. Schedule Medicine Buddha November 6, 2021 -- 10am-12pm & 2pm-5pm PST * NOTE: Daylight Savings Time ends at…
Impermanence Teachings with Drupon Thinley Ningpo
Virtual EventThe link to both register and to join the teaching is freely available HERE. As accelerated change at all levels of our earthly existence overcomes us during these times, we are relentlessly reminded of Law of Impermance. It is the number…